10 Most Rewatchable TV Shows Of 21st Century

7. The Big Bang Theory

Michael Scott The Office

It all started with a big bang... and then it took over television. The Big Bang Theory was a sensation that, expectedly, dominated pulp culture. While the show is accessible for a wider audience, the loveable cast reflects the audience.

This is a show about "nerds", "dorks", and "geeks", titles of which many readers and writers on this site (this writer included) are proud to personify.

Elements like Wolowitz's one-liners and Penny's reactions to the group are all funny a second or third time around, but the true value in The Big Bang Theory's rewatchability is in its indulgence of nerdiness.

From science to comics to sci-fi and everything in between, there's a good bet that not one viewer understood every reference, joke, or scientific comment dominating the dialog. Those in the know will appreciate a deeper look into each gag while viewers who are new to superheroes and quantum theory will enjoy the show through a different lens when they decode all of the dialog.


Nick Dauk hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.