10 Most Romantic Star Trek Moments

8. Adira Reuniting With Gray

10 most romantic star trek moments for valentines day
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Adira and Gray Tal from Discovery are such a cute couple.

Adira is a Human and Gray is a Trill. They were both orphans, and met while living aboard a generation ship searching for Federation Headquarters. At some point in his life, Gray was joined with a Trill symbiont named Tal, giving him access to the memories of the symbiont's past hosts, and allowing himself to live on through the symbiont when he died.

Unfortunately, Gray's death came sooner than he expected. He and Adira were travelling aboard a ship that collided with an asteroid, and Gray's body couldn't be saved. However, the Tal symbiont survived, and, with little time to spare, was transferred into the body of Adira (despite a huge stigma against symbionts joining with non-Trill).

After the joining, Adira briefly lost all of their memories. Eventually, in the episode Forget Me Not, Discovery took them to the Trill homeworld, where Adira was given treatment to connect with the past lives of the symbiont. Inside a strange neural space in their own mind, Adira remembered Gray's joining and the accident that later killed him, before coming face-to-face with several of Tal's past hosts, including Gray. The two were finally reunited.

The memories returned once the past hosts accepted Adira, and Gray became a living entity inside Adira's mind that could be interacted with and spoken to, though no one else could see him. Then, in the episode Choose To Live, he was actually transferred into a physical body created by Dr. Culber, using the Soong method (the same procedure Picard went through to be transferred into his artificial body centuries earlier).

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.