10 Most Satisfying TV Endings

5. The Sopranos

Sons Of Anarchy

The Sopranos was loved and adored all over the world so the pressure to end it on a good note was high. It's difficult to please everyone when it comes to shows like the Sopranos. Everybody has their own "perfect" ending so it can be very easy to mess it up. Looking at you Dexter.

The best thing about the ending was that it would have been infuriating if it had appeared on any other beloved television show. Yet for some reason, it just seems to work in the world of Tony Soprano.

Everything is just so simple. We follow him to the diner, we watch him select the nice, iconic (and annoying) Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" we watch as other members of the family arrive and we witness them eat. Then Tony suddenly looks up and the screen goes black. What happened? Who was he looking at? Surely there is another scene? At first, we were angry, how dare they do this to us after 6 long seasons. Then we realize that it couldn't have been more perfect.

The "Is Tony dead or not?" question is still ongoing to this day but if you've still got no idea then you obviously haven't been watching properly.


Kristy Law hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.