10 Most Shocking Deaths in Boardwalk Empire

1. Jimmy Darmody

The death of Jimmy in the season two finale was perhaps the most shocking death in recent memory on any television show. The rise and fall of Jimmy over two seasons was tragic to watch and is made worse by how we are conned into thinking that Jimmy had done enough to secure a reconciliation with Nucky over the course of the season finale. The writing is on the wall however in the preceding scene where Jimmy declines Richard's offer of back-up, surely knowing his fate was sealed regardless of his attempts at redemption. The scene is tense and haunting. It is stunningly set at the war memorial at night in the heavy rain. An unarmed Jimmy walks into fate acceptingly and without a fight, which is perhaps the most shocking part of all. He declares; €˜I died in the trench years back, I thought you knew that€™ and all but confirms his eerie prediction from the first episode that Nucky can€™t be €˜half a gangster€™. Even still with the third season complete, it still an emotionally devastating scene to watch as Nucky brutally and coldly murders his one-time protégé and comes full circle as the monster he always had the potential of becoming. Buscemi€™s chilling delivery of the lines €˜I am not seeking forgiveness€™ and the ringing out of the kill shot into Jimmy completes a tragic story arc and an unforgettable scene in television history.

A fountain of knowledge in useless film related trivia. Loves a good Simpsons reference. Also likes to write about stuff.