10 Most Shocking Moments In Spooks

7. Danny Saves Fiona Carter

Spooks Helen Death

The high-flying, upbeat Danny Hunter (David Oyelowo) became increasingly disheartened at Thames House after the love of his life, Zoe Reynolds (Keeley Hawes) was forced to emigrate to Chile.

Captured along with Adam Carter's wife, Fiona (Olga Sosnovska) by an Iraqi terrorist in the final episode of Series 3, Danny made the ultimate sacrifice as the terrorist forced Adam to choose which of them should die: his wife or a loyal colleague.

Giving a quick prayer, Danny intimidated the terrorist, mocking his lack of humanity, and was shot for his troubles. Although this spared Adam from having to make an awful choice, administrative officer, Sam Buxton (Shauna Macdonald) was so shocked by Danny's death that she returned to GCHQ, whilst Section D's intelligence analyst, Ruth Evershed (Nicola Walker) was never really allowed to grieve. In tears as she cradled Danny's body, Ruth was later prevented from morning for him owing to a bomb threat in London.

Danny's passing marked the end of an era for Spooks as, other than Peter Firth, he was the last original core cast member on the show.

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I started writing for WhatCulture in July 2020. I have always enjoyed reading and writing. I have contributed to several short story competitions and I have occasionally been fortunate enough to have my work published. During the COVID-19 lockdown, I also started reviewing films on my Facebook page. Numerous friends and contacts suggested that I should start my own website for reviewing films, but I wanted something a bit more diverse - and so here I am! My interests focus on film and television mainly, but I also occasionally produce articles that venture into other areas as well. In particular, I am a fan of the under appreciated sequel (of which there are many), but I also like the classics and the mainstream too.