10 Most Shocking Moments In Spooks
2. Hanging Colin
Rory Macgregor's Colin Wells was an MI5 Technician and Data Analyst who mostly remained office-bound. When he did venture into the field, however, it ultimately proved to be a disaster.
Colin was discovered monitoring a cabal of corrupt MI6 officers who aimed to overthrow the British government and Parliament, but managed to escape into some surrounding woods. Nevertheless, he was sadly no match for his pursuers.
In a truly harrowing sequence, the MI6 agents apprehend Colin, leading him to believe that they will purely reprimand him. Instead, they remove his spectacles and place them in his pocket, before tying a rope around his neck and stringing him up, all the while speaking to him in comforting tones. In the next scene, we see Colin hanging from a tree, alone.
It is perhaps the most unpleasant death scene in Spooks, elevated by Macgregor's very convincing performance as the desperate and petrified Colin.