10 Most Tragic Batman Villains

4. Baby Doll

Mister Freeze Heart of Ice
Warner Bros.

If there was one thing Paul Dini during his days on BTAS understood better than anyone else, it was that Batman's rogues are often just as much victims as villains. People that had been chewed up and spat out by the world, having nothing left but the need to lash out at the people around them.

And the best one-off villain to exemplify this was Mary "Baby" Doll.

Mary was an actress born with a disability that prevented her body from ageing past a certain point. So while she was a decent actress, and even had her own TV show for a while, her career dried up as she began to face discrimination in Hollywood.

Eventually she went insane and tried to bring back the Baby Doll TV show by kidnapping her co-stars.

Of course, Batman comes in to save the day, eventually chasing Doll into a house of mirrors, where she finds herself drawn to a mirror that distorts her body into one that matches her actual age. Everything she'd ever wanted, standing in front of her, but not real, like everything else in her life.

She burns through the ammo in her weapon destroying the mirrors, shattering the illusion that she ever had a chance at a normal life. The episode ends with Batman comforting Mary, who can do nothing but sob like a child. After all, a child is all she was ever allowed to be.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?