10 Most Tragic Star Trek Characters

6. Marritza

As shown in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode Duet, Marritza was a file clerk at the Gallitep labor camp commanded by the infamous Gul Darhe'el.

Years after the Cardassian withdrawal from Bajor, Marritza had plastic surgery to resemble Darheā€™el. He then visited Deep Space Nine where he received treatment for a disease that only afflicted survivors of a mining accident at the camp. Asserting that a Cardassian who served at Gallitep must be a war criminal, Major Kira had him arrested.

After an initial denial, Marritza admitted he was at the camp after being shown the results of a medical scan. He then insisted that he was really Darhe'el .

When confronted with the fact that Darhe'el wasn't at the camp when the accident happened and had died years ago, Marritza broke down. He believed that if he were tried and executed as Darhe'el, it would force the Cardassians to admit their guilt. An emotional Kira replied that executing Marritza for Darhe'el's crimes would be murder and released him.

Marritza was murdered as Kira and Odo escorted him to an awaiting ship. When the killer coldly stated that Marritza being Cardassian was enough motive, Kira angrily replied that it wasn't.

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Frank Chavez is a freelance writer, playwright, and screenwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area. They live in the Census Designated Place outside the small city, outside of Oakland with their wife and numerous cats.