10 Most Underappreciated Performances On TV Right Now

8. Alison Brie - Bojack Horseman

Agent May Theon Greyjoy

Voice acting as a whole is an underappreciated art form, for starters.

Despite mostly consisting of animal puns, Bojack Horseman has established itself as one of the most mature animated shows ever televised, and the relaxed, weary vocals lended by Alison Brie as Diane Nguyen are a crucial component in establishing that tone. She feels more sobered and fundamentally human than most live-action performances could hope to convey.

Brie is understated excellence as Diane, the closest thing to normal in the world of Hollywood, but she's also an absolute scream in her other roles as some of the show's more unhinged characters. Her outlandishly phony British accent as Joelle is perfectly played, but it's the childish drawl of Vincent Adultman where she really shines.

It's a vocal performance so transformative that it's sometimes hard to believe that it's really Alison Brie nailing the squeaky pre-pubescent wavering. You would be hard pressed to think of any other human being on the planet who could convincingly play the voice of three children in a trenchcoat to such a degree of greatness.

Across the show, Brie is afforded the platform to display both minimalist touches and broad strokes, and she appears to be an absolute master at both.


A Film & English student based in Norwich and a passionate fan of professional wrestling, terrible movies and all things on the horror-comedy spectrum. Trying to be less of a dirtbag than that makes me sound like.