10 Most Underappreciated Performances On TV Right Now

4. Timothy Olyphant - Santa Clarita Diet

Agent May Theon Greyjoy

Drew Barrymore was always going to steal scenes in her turn as an impulsive, spirited undead suburban mother, so it's impressive enough that Timothy Olyphant can hold his own, let alone frequently outshine her.

It's a revelation that Olyphant has taken that most cliche of characters, the put-upon family man, and somehow made him every bit as interesting and complex as a motherly zombie. Eschewing the typical deadpan reactions for panicked mania, Joel's freak outs are a masterclass in how far to push a mannerism without becoming cartoonish.

It's all the more impressive given Olyphant's previous prominence for dramatic acting over comedy. The joy he takes in playing against his usual taciturn type is palpable and no doubt enhances the brilliant energy that he brings to the role. However, that prestigious background that he brings with him comes in handy too, and it's often merely the conviction in his performance that stops the show's more saccharine moments from feeling too out of place amidst the gore and sex jokes.

Olyphant has taken what should have been a forgettable role and through sheer force of will turned it into something magnificent. He's always been a fantastic actor, but Santa Clarita Diet has provided the opportunity for him to show his impressive comedic timing too.


A Film & English student based in Norwich and a passionate fan of professional wrestling, terrible movies and all things on the horror-comedy spectrum. Trying to be less of a dirtbag than that makes me sound like.