10 Most Underrated Doctor Who Episodes
3. A Town Called Mercy

The Eleventh Doctor and the Old West - a match made in Stetson-loving heaven.
The Doctor, Amy, and Rory all arrive in a town called, well, Mercy, which is quite the dilly of a pickle. An alien cyborg named the Gunslinger is holding the town hostage, unless it hands over another extra-terrestrial hiding there.
This giant monster with a gun for a hand is clearly the baddie, right? Actually, not quite.
As A Town Called Mercy unfolds, the audience learns more about each side of this conflict, and how first impressions may have been somewhat deceiving. Eleven is forced to make a difficult moral choice, one that pushes him right to the edge. This leads to a fabulous moment where Amy talks him down, and helps her Raggedy Doctor make the right decision.
Companions aren't just in Doctor Who to ask stupid questions and help move the plot along. They should serve as the Doctor's conscience, their humanity, guiding them to the best possible outcome. Amy serves that function brilliantly here.
A Town Called Mercy is thematically rich in other ways too, and touches on the ethics of war, which ties nicely into the ongoing (at the time) Time War arc, and makes the whole story feel that little bit more resonant.
Throw in some really entertaining cowboy stuff ("Tea... leave the bag in"), and you've got yourself a dang fine episode, partner.