Who?: We first encountered the future Great Westeros Bakeoff winner in Season 1 being escorted to the Nights Watch along with Arya. Initially Hot Pie appears as hostile and a threat to Arya and Gendry, but the trio quickly become good friends and manage to escape Harrenhall together before parting at the Inn at the Crossroads. Why Should I Love Them?: How can you not love Hot Pie? Perhaps he may never sit the Iron Throne, but he provides some great moments of light relief and he also aids Brienne in her search for the missing Starks. Plus, did you see his second direwolf loaf of bread attempt? That was so cash.
Most of my time is occupied by reading, staring at a screen, being oppressed by the government and awaiting the return of the Great Old One Cthulhu... I also write a little too.