10 Most Underrated Game Of Thrones Characters

5. Greatjon Umber

Who?: The Lord of Last Hearth is one of the most important bannermen of House Stark. He fights for Robb in the War of the Five Kings and is tasked with leading Northern forces to fight in the Riverlands. Why Should I Love Them?: We€™ve haven€™t seen the Greatjon since Season 1 but he is a certified badass and shouldn't be forgotten. When Robb€™s direwolf Grey Wind bites off his two fingers, he merely responds with a quip and some laughter. His rousing speech at the end of Baelor, where he shouts €œwhy should they rule over me and mine from some flowery seat in the south?€ as he helps crown Robb King in the North is also one of the best moments in the show's history. The Greatjon is one of the few Northmen not killed at the Red Wedding and with Osha and Rickon on their way to Last Hearth, we may well be seeing quite a bit more of this formidable Northerner.

Most of my time is occupied by reading, staring at a screen, being oppressed by the government and awaiting the return of the Great Old One Cthulhu... I also write a little too.