10 Movie Interviews That Went Very Wrong

7. Cara Delevingne Gets Sarcastic With Dumb Questions

Cara Delevingne

In mid-2015, Cara Delevingne appeared on CBS Sacramento to promote her new film Paper Towns, only for the interview with the morning time show to nosedive in basically record time.

One of the hosts got things off to a rocky start by calling her "Carla" and then asking if she'd actually read the book that the movie was based on, to which Delevingne sarcastically replied, "No, I've never read the book or the script, actually, I kind of winged it."

When the trite questions continued, so did Delevingne's visibly irritated, snippy demeanour, until one of the hosts flat-out asked the actress why she didn't seem more excited about the movie, and whether she was simply exhausted.

One of the presenters then suggested Delevingine "take a nap and maybe get a Red Bull," after which the satellite feed was terminated and the presenters continued to mock Delevinge, declaring she was "in a mood."

Between the communication-stifling delay of the sat feed and the presenters evidently failing to comprehend Delevingne's dryly sarcastic attitude, it was doomed from the start.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.