10 Movie Stars Who Gave Their Best Ever Performance On TV

7. Ewan McGregor - Fargo

Mare of Easttown Kate Winslet

Ewan McGregor's acting plaudits speak for themselves - Trainspotting, Moulin Rouge!, Big Fish, Beginners, The Ghost Writer, and let's face it, he was the best part of the Star Wars prequels.

Though a splashy, Oscar-winning role has eluded the actor to date, he confirmed the full range of his talents when he appeared in the third season of FX's Fargo, playing twin brothers Emmit and Ray Stussy, for which he won a Golden Globe for Best Actor.

This role stretched McGregor like he's never been stretched before, requiring him to create two distinct characters - one a dapper parking lot magnate, the other a washed-up, balding parole officer - while also maintaining a Minnesotan accent throughout.

It's a radical transformation for the actor and an impressive feat of chameleonism, to be so visible as an A-lister and yet to play two people who genuinely do seem like two human beings rather than the mere product of tricksy doubling.

McGregor may well get his Oscar moment in the future, but this dual performance is going to be incredibly tough to top.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.