10 Movie Stars Who Gave Their Best Ever Performance On TV

4. Catherine O'Hara - Schitt's Creek

Mare of Easttown Kate Winslet

Catherine O'Hara is destined to forever be best remembered as Kevin McCallister's mother in the first two Home Alone movies, but she's a hugely celebrated actress with a heap of acclaimed roles to her name across both film and TV.

From Beetlejuice to Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show, A Mighty Wind, and For Your Consideration, O'Hara has brought her A-game to everything she's ever appeared in, but finally found her career-defining performance in the recently-concluded Schitt's Creek.

As washed-up, self-important actress Moira Rose, O'Hara's performance is an undeniable - if hilarious - caricature, albeit one embedded with just enough residual humanity to make Moira recognisable.

Look past the silly accent and ridiculous wigs and Moira is actually a person who grows across the show's six seasons, and while comedy performances generally don't get enough credit for how difficult they are to pull off, O'Hara is so damn good here she makes it look effortless.

For her work on the show's final season, O'Hara won Best Actress awards at both the Emmys and the Golden Globes.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.