10 Nitpicks Of The Flash Season 2 (So Far)

1 Iris West Burns Barry For No Reason

When the Flash series first started, Iris West worked as a waiter at a coffee shop called Jitters. Once she became aware of a red blur saving people, she started a blog dedicated to the Flash. Her Flash blog eventually got her hired on at Central City Picture News as their go to journalist to write about the Flash's escapades. At the beginning of season 2, she is still the go-to girl for Flash facts at the newspaper, but she is also spending her time trying to get Flash's friends together to support Barry while he's at his lowest moment in life. She successfully talks Barry into arriving at the Flash Day festival where he is attacked by Atom-Smasher. The Flash successfully stops the attack, but the villain gets away. Barry later gets a newspaper with a picture of himself getting thrashed by Atom Smasher on the front page with the headline "FLASH FALTERS!". The newspaper is of course Central City Picture News, the newspaper that hired Iris to write all of the Flash related news for them. Either she wrote this piece knowing Barry would see it, or she sat idly by and let someone else write it despite it being her job and knowing it would hurt Barry in his fragile state. Do you agree with these nitpicks? What are your problems with The Flash Season 2 (so far)? Share your thoughts in the section below.

Any time I'm not writing, I'm likely arguing about children's cartoons with strangers on the internet or staring at my ceiling and wondering where it all went wrong.