10 Notorious Star Trek Urban Legends

6. Ro Laren Secretly Returned For A Movie Cameo

Eddie Murphy Star Trek

Before the days of rumour busting Reddit threads and carefully paused reveals on Twitter, you actually had to journey all the way down to the movie theatre to see if something about a film was actually true. For Star Trek: Nemesis, that rumour was that every recurring character from The Next Generation made an appearance at the Riker/Troi wedding.

Will Wheaton returned as Wesley Crusher, Whoopi Goldberg could briefly be seen as Guinan, but the major return concerned that of Ro Laren. The confrontational Bajoran ensign, played by Michelle Forbes, who was the character originally written into the role of Deep Space Nine that was filled by Kira Nerys. Given her tumultuous relationship with Riker, this got people talking.

Emerging from screenings, people were absolutely sure that it was true, too. While not featured prominently, a dark-haired woman resembling Forbes can be seen during Picard's speech, and most fans took this as being Ro Laren. However, with the miracle of fully published casting lists and the aforementioned HD pause function, it's since been revealed not to be the case.

In universe, Laren remains at large having defected to the Marquis.

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