10 Once Hated TV Characters That Made You Love Them

6. Sansa Stark - Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones Sansa Queen in the North

Why She Was Hated

Early on, there were some very clear lines drawn in Game Of Thrones that defined whether we were supposed to like a character or not - not admire perversely (as in the case of some of the bad ones), but genuinely empathise with. The simplest indicator was whether they sought any sort of power and riches for themselves and unfortunately, Sansa Stark did just that, aspiring to be Cersei and marry Joffrey and live her life as a queen in opulence and wealth.

She wasn't on the same level as the Queen she looked up to so adoringly, but we were supposed to judge her and while she was put through a lot, she's a brat who betrays Arya (under force), demands to be allowed to marry Joffrey even when he reveals his true colours and then writes to Rob calling Ned a traitor and for her brother to bend the knee. These things have consequences.

But Then...

From that point on - and initially because she saw what Joffrey really was in the butcher boy incident - Sansa has one of the hardest roads of any Thrones character and what she goes through is unthinkable. Mercifully, she comes through it and by the time she takes up the mantle of Queen In The North, she's a legitimate bad-ass.

She became more sympathetic early on, but it was when she took such relish in watching Ramsay Bolton die that she transcended into a truly loved character.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.