10 Once Hated TV Characters That Made You Love Them

4. Wesley - Buffy/Angel

Wesley Connor Angel
The WB

Why He Was Hated

When he was initially introduced in Buffy, Wesley was basically Niles to Giles' Frasier Crane. He was stuffy to a fault without the same softer paternal edges of Giles and his perceived uselessness in battle was designed to stand against him.

Sure, he became more interesting when he got himself fired, but he was a replacement character designed, but Alexis Denisof has alwaysbeen quite open about the fact that his characterisation was designed to be as annoying as possible. It's fair to say it worked.

But Then...

Like Cordelia, Wesley joined up with Angel in his spin-off and ended up evolving massively. Having been fired from the Watcher's Council and on a journey to step out of the shadow of his father's abuses of him, Wesley grew into a leader and a far more complex, more likeable character.

And even as he pushed into some darker storylines and often defied his friends for their own good, he was a million miles away from the annoying fool he once was.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.