10 Once-Lovable TV Characters Who Became Completely Repulsive

6. J.D. (Scrubs)

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J.D. and Elliot, as The Janitor helpfully points out, are no "Ross and Rachel." Their will they/won't they relationship arc is painful to watch them flounder through - with the use of various "outside" beaus, any of which would be better suited for them than each other - and it's even more painful once they finally decide to stay together.

It's equally distressing to watch J.D.'s transformation from goofy, affable, slightly neurotic doctor-in-training to menacingly stupid, mean-spirited narcissist over the course of that relationship.

His metamorphosis is a swift one, and you can pinpoint the exact moment the writers decided to make J.D. into an asshat. It was at the end of Season 3 when, after three years of pursuing the woman he met on the first day of his internship, she professed her love for him. Suddenly, he doesn't want her anymore. He doesn't love her anymore. And he tells her this...after having coerced her into breaking up with another perfectly suitable boyfriend.

It's a downhill slide from there, with his arrogance and self-centeredness taking center stage in most of his other relationships as well. Even his bromance with Turk suffers, particularly after his best friend becomes a father and J.D. starts acting like a petulant older brother who's jealous of the new bundle of joy.

Also, his once-quirky internal monologue tries to be too weighty and profound toward the end.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.