10 Pretty Pretty Pretty Good Curb Your Enthusiasm Guest Stars

7. Steve Coogan

Larry David, Jon Hamm

The British actor known for his role as Alan Partridge makes a very odd appearance in Season 6 of Curb.

They say you never really appreciate something after it’s gone, and this could not be more accurate than when talking about Larry’s ex-wife. Despite having treated her with the utmost disregard when they are married, Larry seems to fall over himself to get back with her once they are separated.

It is because of this that he hires a therapist to advise him on getting her back, the role played by Mr Coogan.

After giving Larry counterproductive advice with his wife, he is forced the bear the brunt of his patient’s stupidity as he is set up as the fall-man for a risky operation.

In order to prove to his ex-wife’s therapist that he is a good man, he gets Steve Coogan to pretend-mug said therapist so that he can sweep in and save the day, thereby proving to her that he’s an amazing guy. He succeeds, but Coogan is spotted by the police and sent to prison…

Of course, no one seems to care that he’s there, as Larry has other fish to fry. In the end, the therapist is forced to find a therapist for himself, and the consequences are dire.


Hello there! I am a history student studying at the University of Edinburgh. Originally from Barcelona but have lived in the UK all my life, in London and in Manchester. Aside from history/politics, my passions are film, football and music. Follow me on instagram @adriaarandabalibrea and on twitter @adria_aranda. Hope you enjoy my writing!