10 Problems With Constantine That Got It Cancelled

8. The Last Live Action Constantine

It gets a lot of stick, but the previous live action adaptation was a decent film. It was just a terrible Constantine film. Whilst the TV series simply abandoned his smoking habit, the movie starred Keanu Reeves as a dark-haired, suit-wearing, American magician-for-hire who hangs out with his cabbie sidekick Shia LaBeouf and fancies Rachel Weisz. The film basically carried over nothing from the comics - there was even a half-hearted swipe in the comics, with derisive mention of an alternate-reality Constantine being a handsome yank. As with the TV show, the film boasted the name Constantine rather than Hellblazer, which is still considered too close to the Clive Barker series Hellraiser. That means that most audiences will have associated the Constantine series with that film, which they either thought was naff, and avoided, or liked and were disappointed to find this wasn't the same.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/