10 Problems With Game Of Thrones Nobody Wants To Admit

8. Killing People Off Is Kinda Cheap

One of the most celebrated aspects of Game Of Thrones is how ruthless the show (and the books) are with bumping off major characters. The blood-strewn Red Wedding set the standard for how confident the series is in just suddenly, brutally removing vast swathes of the principal cast, so audiences can never be quite sure where they stand. It's often listed as one of the show's great strengths. Whereas character deaths can be predicted on more mainstream shows, thanks to predictable storytelling and actor's contracts being completed, it feels like anybody could disappear from Game Of Thrones at any time. Death is brutal and unpredictable, just like in real life! Except, well, for one thing, Game Of Thrones isn't real life. Like, at all. People being bumped off at any second is a somewhat radical notion, but sometimes it feels like cheap shock tactics rather than smart storytelling, to the point that now fans kind of expect unexpected demises.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/