10 Problems With House Of Cards Nobody Wants To Admit

8. They Shouldn't Have Killed Off Zoe

As tedious as Zoe's plots sometimes were €“ except when they intersected with Frank's...so to speak €“ Kate Mara's character was one of the better of the show's supporting cast. The twist early on in the second season of House Of Cards, where she gets shoved in front of a subway train by the bloodthirsty politician, was certainly a shock that got people talking. Was it the best move for the show, though? Mara's another of the better performers on House Of Cards (although there's rarely a crap one amongst the ensemble), and her character provided a much-needed outsider's perspective on the whole White House business. Cutting out the Spacey sex scenes was a welcome relief, mind. Killing her off was surprising, but possibly not a great idea, narratively speaking. Or in terms of the amount of interesting female characters there are on the show compared to the relentless stream of men, men, men €“ still, unless Frank's first move as President is to legalise human cloning, it doesn't seem like she's coming back.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/