10 Reasons We're Entering A Doctor Who Golden Age

7. A Stripped-Back TARDIS Team

Doctor Who Ncuti Gatwa Fifteenth Doctor
BBC Studios

How big is the perfect TARDIS team?

The original Doctor/companion lineup was four people strong. But this has proved to be the exception rather than the rule, with most subsequent seasons featuring just one or two companions.

The Thirteenth Doctor’s ‘fam’ was the first four-strong TARDIS team in 35 years, though it didn't work as well here due to the shorter story length compared to the classic series, which gave neither Ryan, Graham, or Yaz much space to develop.

As such, it will be refreshing to return to the one companion format for Series 14, almost a decade on from the last Doctor/companion duo (the Twelfth Doctor and Clara).

At heart, the companions are the audience’s ‘way in’ to the show. TARDIS teams of all shapes and sizes can work, but in practice, the duo has always been the winning formula, offering more opportunities for the companion to develop – both as a character in their own right, and alongside the Doctor.

It’s the template RTD used when he brought the show back in 2005. It worked wonders then, it's worked wonders since then (Ten and Donna, Eleven and Amy), and we’ve no doubt it’ll work just as well in 2024.

In other words, get ready to fall in love with the Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby Sunday.

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!