10 Reasons We're Entering A Doctor Who Golden Age

5. Bigger And Better Marketing

Doctor Who Ncuti Gatwa Fifteenth Doctor
BBC Studios

Doctor Who is a funny show to market.

You have two groups of people to account for: the people who have always watched the show and always will, and the people with a passing interest or none at all, who may be tempted to give it a try.

Striking a balance between the two can be tricky, but generally speaking, more promotion is never a bad thing. The more secretive approach of the Chibnall regime sought to preserve mystery, but was criticised by many for being lacklustre.

Whether it's a direct response to those criticisms or simply their preferred way of doing things, the current marketing team has dialed things up significantly.

We’ve had some truly exceptional marketing so far – from the inspired ❤️ ❤️➕ emoji teasers, to trailers in primetime slots like Christmas Day and the premiere of Strictly Come Dancing, to the long-awaited return of WhoSpy, and even a “Subwave Network” Instagram broadcast channel.

This constant drip-feed has kept fans engaged, while constantly giving casual viewers something to notice when they’re channel hopping or doomscrolling.

And this is only the beginning. Think how big Doctor Who is going to be when the actual episodes are out!

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!