10 Reasons Why Teen Wolf Is The Best TV Show You've Never Seen

6. Immaculate Story Lines

Teen Wolf has been able to do something that most shows have failed to do over time and that is to continue bringing fresh new storylines each season. Sometimes you will find a show where the first season was simply awesome and by the middle of the second season you have yourself asking the famous Will Ferrell quote from Step Brothers "What the f*ck happened?!" and that is where the show folds and is soon after cancelled. After the first season fans were wondering where they were going to go from there, and season 2 brought an awesome story. Could it get any better then season 2? Season 3 hits and fans are surprised and thrilled that the show is still bringing the hits. Okay season 4 is going to be the season where the show starts to go down a bit right? Nope, season 4 could possibly be the best season to date and fans around the world are more excited to see what season 5 brings than any season before. The writers of the show must really be commended for the job they have done with this show because Teen Wolf is easily one of the best shows in recent memory and looks to be holding their ground for the foreseeable future as more and more people seem to be catching on to something most of the world have been missing out on.
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Teen Wolf
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Long time Sports, Movies, TV, Video Games and WWE fan who loves to write about his passion. Brand and project manager of On My Radar Entertainment and contributor to WhatCulture.com