10 Reasons You're Wrong About Gotham

6. Ben McKenzie's Gordon

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Sure, he might lack the iconic 'tache from the comics, but Gotham's Gordon is as convincing as any other.

The actor had a tough act to follow, with Gary Oldman's pitch-perfect portrayal of Gotham's venerable police commissioner still fresh in the minds of audiences everywhere, but he's still serviceable in the role.

Unlike the Gordon of Nolan's films - whose main strength drew from the nuances of Oldman's performance - Gotham's version succeeds because the city truly changes him. The serialised format afforded to the series has allowed the showrunners to depict a stark transition for the lieutenant, with the boy-scout of the first season having been replaced by a tired, altogether more cynical antihero by the time the third season started airing.

McKenzie's done really well to convey that transformation convincingly, and has in part been aided by his equally talented co-stars. Morena Baccarin shines as Leslie Thompkins, and the two together possess an infallible onscreen chemistry. Just a shame Barbara keeps on getting in the way...

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.