10 Recent TV Shows That Made ONE Huge Mistake

1. It's A Prequel Nobody Asked For - Sexy Beast

True Detective

Of all the acclaimed movies to produce prequel TV shows for, was anyone really clamouring to know more about what happened before Jonathan Glazer's 2000 cult classic crime comedy Sexy Beast?

It's a terrific movie, for sure, but was anyone dying to know more about the early lives of Gal (Ray Winstone) and Don Logan (Ben Kingsley), enough to fill an eight-episode series at least?

Unsurprisingly reviews patently reflected this, indicating a lack of inspiration for this prequel, which too often leans on the legacy of the film and invokes fan service far too readily.

There's something to be said for movies just being movies, and the characters remaining confined within a mere two hour story - or in this film's case, a svelte 88 minutes - rather than being bloatedly expanded upon for the sake of "development."

This isn't to say that a Sexy Beast TV show couldn't have worked as a spiritual successor that focused on entirely new characters, but hopelessly tethered to its incredible forebear as it is, it's tough not to wonder what Paramount were thinking by greenlighting it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.