10 Recent TV Shows That Made ONE Huge Mistake

7. The BRUTAL Exposition Dumps - Avatar: The Last Airbender

True Detective

Now let's be clear, Netflix's take on Avatar: The Last Airbender was streets ahead of the nightmare-inducing M. Night Shyamalan film adaptation, though it still had its fair share of flaws.

And chief among them? That wonky dialogue.

So much of Avatar's dialogue is comprised of exposition, and even accepting that a show of this fantastical nature needs to do plenty of audience onboarding, did the exposition dumps really need to be this blatant?

It borders on self-parody at times, with how listlessly all the crucial information is word-vomited at the viewer, with a few slightly wooden performances not helping matters either.

Nothing makes otherwise interested people zone out like robotic reams of "as you know..." dialogue, which in turn violates the most sacred of all storytelling rules - show, don't tell.

In the very least this massive flaw didn't turn audiences off enough to not finish the show, as Netflix confirmed back in March that it's already been renewed for two additional seasons.

With so much of the groundwork now laid for audiences, hopefully season two might cool it with the snoozy lore dumps.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.