10 Ridiculous Examples Of Star Trek Merchandise

10. Romulan Ale

Star Trek Romulan Ale Now when you state on a film or TV show that there is a drink which is extremely potent, and you have a market where you can buy energy drink tie-ins from pretty much any pop-culture related show then you're going to end up with a Star Trek energy drink. I've had a can of this, and all I can say is that it tastes like an energy drink in the same way that Coca Cola tastes of well... cola. I poured it out of the can to say if it was blue just like on the show, and it was a lovely shade similar to biro ink. This isn't the first time that a Romulan Ale drink has been created as a tie-in product as there has been some blue beer under the same name. This used to be served at the famous Page's Bar in London, and is still sold in bottles (I believe created by a brewery in Guatemala).
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I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.