10 Ridiculous Sitcoms You Won't Believe Ever Got Made

5. Work It (ABC, 2012)

TV-Work-It-ControversyWhat€™s It About? Two men pretend to be women to get new jobs. Why Is It So Ridiculous? Like Bosom Buddies, its only joke is that two men are forced to dress up as women. That is where the jokes and overarching plot begin and end. It also plays up the stereotype of men being brutish and stupid as part of the so-called character development is the two men learning to be more sensitive through their transvestism. It also faced a lot of controversy from LGBT activists who claimed that it trivialised the obstacles faced by transgendered people. Also, its stupidity is partly because of the time it was made. This thing is a year old yet the source of its humour is transvestism. It couldn€™t get more outdated even if the producers got the Back and White Minstrels to appear on it. What Happened To It? Dropped like the steaming turd it was after just two episodes.
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.