10 Sci-Fi TV Shows That Wasted Incredible Characters

6. Jonathan Byers - Stranger Things

Stranger Things Barb

Stranger Things is easily one of the most successful TV shows of recent years.

Perfectly capturing the essence of sci-fi horror and blending it with a healthy dose of '80s nostalgia, it stormed onto our screens in spectacular fashion back in 2016.

The first season followed the disappearance of Will Byers, and his older brother Jonathan got a lot of screen time as he grappled with both grief and hope.

Jonathan started off as one of Stranger Things' most relatable characters, an everyman who seems invisible to all his peers. For reasons that only the show's writers can truly know, season two saw Jonathan switch places with his occasional bully, Steve, even going as far as to replace him as Nancy's love interest.

After Steve took Jonathan's place as the big brother to the show's younger cast members, the elder Byers became a watered down revision of his previous self, made decidedly less awkward and relatable by his relationship with Nancy Wheeler.

Everyone loves Steve Harrington and his incredible hair, but it was a shame to see Jonathan dialled back and become one of the show's most forgettable characters after his outstanding first season.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.