10 Sci-Fi TV Shows That Wasted Incredible Premises
1. Man From Atlantis
The winner, or should I say loser, for top spot on this list goes to this truly awful 1977 Sci-Fi bomb starring a pre-Dallas Patrick Duffy. Duffy's character, who is given the name Mark Harris, is an amnesiac who is believed to be the last survivor of the civilisation of Atlantis.
Harris has a series of unique abilities, including superhuman strength, the ability to breath underwater and physical traits that allow him to dive to the extreme depths of the Ocean. After being nursed back to health after arriving on Earth, Harris assists the US Navy on a number of missions, taking on various villains with uniquely aquatic plans.
While the premise set the show up for some great B-grade action and fun, the show took itself way, way too seriously, and ultimately became laughably bad for all the wrong reasons. Duffy clearly had a lot to learn on the acting front, bringing zero charisma to the role and a seeming lack of awareness that the show should have been campy fun.
Attempts at a love story between Harris and Belinda Montgomery's Dr. Elizabeth Merrill are excruciating, always matched by an equally painful music score. The costume designs for the various villainous creatures are bad for even 1977 standards, and look like rejected costumes from the Doctor Who classic era.