10 Sci-Fi TV Shows You Can Quit Before The End

1. The X-Files

Heroes Claire
20th Television

The X-Files first hit screens in 1993 and wowed audiences with it's realistic approach to the bizarre, the unexplained and the downright conspiratorial. The onscreen pairing of Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny was absolute magic. Episodes were tense, scary and well-written for the most part, with monsters and killers and all kinds of freaks.

For a number of years the show was top of the ratings and kept its audience engaged with alien abductions, government conspiracies and ghoulish aberrations. But as time wore on, the quality of the show dipped and meandered, our main stars decided they were best served outside of the franchise and they both left the show. While their replacements weren't particularly bad, they didn't fill the shoes the same way Anderson and Duchovny did.

While this show has gone on to be revived and reimagined in recent years, the last episode of season 5 was actually called The End and would have served as an effective end of the show. Then there was a film, then there were more seasons and then it would drag on and on. Leave it at The End, probably for the best.

So that's 10 sci-fi or fantasy shows that you really don't need to watch all of. Sometimes, you just have to leave it where it's best to leave it.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'