10 Sci-Fi TV Shows You Can Quit Before The End

4. Primeval

Heroes Claire

The first two series of Saturday-night pure entertainment show Primeval are really solid and have a great premise. The guys who made Walking With Dinosaurs decided to use the same visual technology to do a time-travel based adventure show. With it's amusing cast of characters and endearing creatures, Primeval was a hit. The show even used it's premise of time travel to enact changes to the timeline, which allowed for the low-rent team that operated out of a classroom to swiftly upgrade into a large swanky facility, the ARC.

Unfortunately, while the first series was fun and the second series soared to a higher place, the third series dropped off quickly and in and viewership fell. In a misbegotten attempt at a shock twist, killed off the central character, Dr. Nick Cutter. While Jason Flemyng's replacement character, former detective Danny Quinn was pretty fun he only stuck around until the middle of the fourth series. The chopping and changing got wearisome.

The best place to leave Primeval is at the end of the second series, just after the death of Nick's best friend. The emotional payoff is worth it and the hint at more to come can remain tantalising and not fully realised.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'