10 Secret Subplots You Learn From Watching The Office Deleted Scenes

7. Stanley Is Addicted To Hentai

The Office Phyllis

This infamous deleted scene from "Goodbye, Michael" - which serves as Steve Carell's final episode as a member of the main cast - may be relatively brief, but it has major implications for the character concerned.

Michael attempts to do one final crossword with Stanley (Leslie David Baker) before leaving the office, but after Stanley refuses and they struggle over the book, a number of pornographic anime cards fall out.

We then get a hard cut to Stanley explaining to the audience, "It's called hentai and it's art."

Fans were heavily divided on the scene, given that it effectively reconfigures a major aspect of Stanley's character: he wasn't doing crosswords all this time to keep his mind occupied amid the drudgery of work, but only pretending to do so while leering at sketchy cartoon porn all day.

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