10 Seriously Messed Up Psychological Horror TV Shows

7. Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa
Caviar Films

When was the last time you watched a Flemish-language psychological horror TV show? Never? A long time ago? Whatever the answer, there is a solution to this, and that's to go and check out this mesmerising and utterly disturbing psychological thriller.

Tabula Rasa follows Mie, a young woman who has awoken in a psychiatric hospital with no memory of who she is or why she is there. She is then forced to play a part in a disappearance case, attempting to remember her past in order to prove her innocence.

Naturally, this cerebral focus on memories and psychosis leaves the show feeling painfully clinical. The creepy and cold setting of the hospital further accents this. Still, even outside that location, there is an uncomfortable disconnect between reality and sanity.

As the show progresses, you'll be treated to some wonderfully surreal imagery that happens to be both visually stunning and deeply unsettling simultaneously. Still, everything that happens reflects Mie's struggle and inner turmoil, making the whole show feel like a deep dive into trauma and mental health.


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