10 Seriously Messed Up Psychological Horror TV Shows

5. Save Me

Tabula Rasa

One of the most frightening things that can happen to a person is getting sucked into a cult by a vile yet charismatic figure preying on the weak. But, while that in itself is terrifying, the thought of watching your entire family go through that whilst being unwillingly dragged along with it is enough to break a person. That is where this Korean thriller gets its terrifying power.

Save Me follows the exploits of four boys as they attempt to rescue a former classmate of theirs after her family has become entirely indoctrinated into a terrifying and secretive religious cult. However, as they try to expose this cult's devilish actions, they learn it's only the tip of the iceberg.

This show does not pull its punches, with murder, violence and some very heinous crimes on full display. Still, the thing that makes it truly messed up is how real everything feels. The horror of the show comes from how believable the cult's crimes are and how shockingly human the villains feel. This, weaved with the rescue plot, makes for some haunting TV viewing.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!