10 Shocking Moments Star Trek Used Profanity

5. B**tard — Insurrection

Admiral Clancy Hubris Star Trek Picard
Paramount Pictures

It is one of the best bits of dialogue in an otherwise run-of-the-mill movie, and it happens to feature a swear! We get the feeling the de-bearded Riker was holding back another profanity or two when he outlined his 'metreon gas manoeuvre' to "shove it down the Son'a's throats". Definitely feeling some aggressive tendencies! And, to reuse a curse word from earlier, flying the Enterprise-E by joystick is bloody cool!

Without a doubt, the other most memorable, although tonally quadrants apart, use of the word 'b**tard' in Trek comes from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. When Saavik reports back to the Enterprise from the Genesis planet that David is dead, Admiral Kirk is understandably unable to contain his emotions. He stumbles backwards, never quite making it to the command chair. "You Klingon b**tard, you've killed my son! You Klingon b**tard, you've killed my son! You Klingon b**tard," Kirk spits, with a mix of anguish and hate in his voice.

Speaking of Klingon, one particular word in the warrior's tongue, which Marc Okrand's The Klingon Dictionary leaves as an untranslated epithet, but that could happily be rendered as 'b**tard,' appears numerous times across the franchise: petaQ!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.