10 Shocking TV Deaths You Didn't See Coming

1. Omar Little - The Wire (Season 5, Episode 8)

Here-Come-Omar-600x338The Wire was another show that was full of death. These were the streets of Baltimore, where murder was and still is rampant. This show stands out as one of the greatest shows of all time, mainly because of its realistic depiction of the many sections of Baltimore and because of the depth of its characters. Omar Little, the gay hit man who had a knack for robbing drug dealers, may be one of the most beloved characters in recent memory. Omar could be brutal and at the same time, very kind. He had a strict moral code when it came to who he left out of his endeavors, which is what separated him from every other criminal figure on the show. By the end of the last season, Omar's reign as the king of the Baltimore streets was dwindling. He had lost a lot of people who he loved, yet he still managed keep on with his profession. What made Omar's death so shocking was that it literally came out of nowhere and was completely out of context. Omar was buying a pack of cigarettes at a convenient store and boom. He was shot in the head by a little kid. That was it. The character who had made the most impact on the show, a true legend, was just gone. In the universe of The Wire, Omar was just another man. He was almost immediately forgotten by everyone, except for the viewers. The sheer randomness of his death, in the middle of the episode, is what makes it one of the most shocking and unsettling moments in TV history. "When you come at the king, you best not miss." Have any moments that aren't on this list? Let us know in the comment section.

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Recent graduate of Towson University, with a B.S. in Journalism/New Media. I enjoy Chipotle, red wine and 'Game of Thrones,' preferably at the same time. Follow me on Twitter @ZelayaIan.