10 Showrunners Who Worked On TV Shows You Won't Believe

8. Vince Gilligan

3. GilliganCreated: Breaking Bad Pedigree: The X-Files You€™d be surprised he wrote: Home Fries Gilligan met The X-Files creator Chris Carter by chance through a family member and brushed off Carter€™s initial offer for writing an episode. Dreaming of being a film maker, Gilligan didn't think television was the way to go. Realizing his blunder, he quickly called Carter back and landed a full-time gig on The X-Files writing staff. Had he not, who knows if Breaking Bad would ever have graced our screens.

I'm currently getting my masters in Writing and Publishing in Chicago. I usually fill my time with marathoning great television. My favorite shows are The Sopranos, Mad Men, Six Feet Under, Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Wire, Lost, and so much more. Count on me to write mainly about television.