No Ordinary Family, a superhero drama about a family who discover mysterious abilities after a plane crash, aired in 2010 to little fanfare, and disappeared quietly off the face of network television after a single season. Although it was headlined by the capable Michael Chiklis, who has more than a little experience playing a superpowered tough guy, even he couldnt salvage the clunky dialogue and cliché-ridden episodic plots. The series also bore more than a few similarities to the superior animated film The Incredibles, but its dubious scientific exposition also owed a debt to the original super family, the Fantastic Four. No Ordinary Family aired only months after Heroes finally limped off our screens, but it had more in common with the 60s Batman series than the modern dark and gritty superhero genre, and even seemed strangely nostalgic. For comic book fans, it was like sinking into a comfy if somewhat threadbare armchair.