10 Simple Doctor Who Scenes That Were A NIGHTMARE To Film

3. The Doctor's Epic Horse Stunt

Doctor Who The Girl in the Fireplace horse mirror
BBC Studios

Riding Arthur the horse through a ballroom mirror? Piece of cake!

Well ok, this scene wasn’t that simple. But it’s still pretty bonkers how much work went into it. The sequence had to be shot three times, at three different locations, with different setups present each time.

The actual ballroom scene was shot at a stately home in England, but the horse wasn't actually allowed in the room. So, a portable rig was used, allowing close-up shots of the Doctor atop ‘Arthur’ to be filmed.

A separate shoot was required for the exploding mirror, which was achieved by smashing a glass window in a greenscreen studio. Then, the material involving the real horse had to be captured separately, in a paddock, with a stunt double appearing as the Doctor in some shots.

And the icing on the cake? David Tennant is allergic to horses.

According to those involved, it was a “terribly complicated” and “terrifically expensive” moment to create. But it was worth it in the end! It only lasts a matter of seconds and looks a little bit rough by today’s standards, but it’s nothing short of iconic.

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!