10 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching The Umbrella Academy
Are these Easter Eggs, or is The Commission just messing with us?

Well, it finally happened. The gorilla DNA has taken over our minds. Whatever it was that Reginald Hargreeves shoved into our veins has finally taken hold, and we've literally gone bananas for The Umbrella Academy, the smash-hit comic book adaptation currently streaming on Netflix.
Ever since the seven super siblings barged their way into our lives, we've been engrossed with their ass kicking, time travelling, mind bending adventures. So much so in fact, that we've watched both Season 1 and 2 on repeat for months.
It's times like this though that you start to notice things, things that maybe weren't there before. It's like someone has messed with the timeline and things aren't quite the way they once were. But whether The Commission has interfered with our perception or not, there's simply no way to ignore all of the subtle little Easter eggs hidden deep within every exciting episode.
Don't worry if you missed them, though, because that's where we come in. We've seen the show enough times now to finally be able to bring you a comprehensive list of the most intriguing details you only notice when you look closely for the 5th time this week.
So get a hit of Sucrose, cuddle up to your favourite shop dummy, and enjoy just a few of the hidden secrets The Umbrella Academy has to offer. We heard a rumour that you'll be glad that you did.
10. Gerard Way Endorses 'Extra-Ordinary'

Throughout the first season of Umbrella Academy, there are tons of references to 'Extra-Ordinary: My Life as Number Seven', the biographical account of Vanya's time as the least remarkable member of the famous super team. It is clear that her tell all tale has caused her brothers and sisters to turn on her, presumably because of the not so nice things she has to say about them all within its pages, and in particular, the horrifying truths about their so-called father, Reginald Hargreeves.
What you may not have noticed however, is that during the episode "We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals", when Vanya removes the copy of her book from Hargreeves' bookcase, there is an endorsement on the back that comes from none other than Gerard Way - the mind behind the original Umbrella Academy comic book series.
The inscription reads: "An incredible read... a revealing portal into the life of Vanya Hargreaves and the life she has lived. I could not put it down". Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?