10 Smartest TV Detectives

8. Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

Helen Mirren Prime Suspect

Dale Cooper is a man of mysterious means. A coffee and pie aficionado who speaks to a dictaphone as much as he does any human being, he doesn’t strike you as even a competent detective at first. But the FBI man is tasked with the tough cases for a reason. His methods may be unorthodox, but he sure does get results.

Cooper utilises mystical forces in his crime fighting technique. He is able to narrow down his persons of interest list by throwing rocks at bottles. He is conversant with Tibetan methodology as well as Buddhism.

What makes Cooper a great detective, though, is his people skills. Twin Peaks is a difficult place for an outsider to wander into, but Cooper feels at home right away. He gets the unusual townsfolk on his side and gels well with local law enforcement. He goes above and beyond, venturing into the netherworld of the Black Lodge to rescue a woman he hadn’t even been seeing for all that long.

Viewers of the revival series will know how that worked out for him. Cooper’s deductive skills admittedly take a knock there, but his commitment to the cause is unquestionable.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)