10 Star Trek Episodes That Never Got Made

6. Star Trek: The Musical

Deep Space Nine

The closest Star Trek has come to a musical episode is arguably Voyager's Virtuoso, in which the Doctor's opera singing enchants a race of aliens. However, there have been numerous other attempts to do a Star Trek musical over the years.

Ronald D. Moore's originally pitched a musical episode of The Next Generation. Unfortunately for Moore, who was a passionate advocate for the idea, none of the staff writers wanted to take it on. Moore attempted to pitch the idea again when he was working on Deep Space Nine. Again the writing staff weren't keen to do it. The closest DS9 comes is in various scenes set at Vic Fontaine's holographic nightclub, where Kira sings Fever and Sisko sings The Best is Yet to Come.

The prospect of a musical episode reared its head again on Enterprise, when Linda Park voiced her desire to do a musical episode. She was a trained ballroom dancer, and wanted to showcase her own talents as well as the singing voices of John Billingsley, who played Phlox and Scott Bakula, who played Archer. It was another unsuccessful Star Trek musical pitch. Lower Decks feels like the natural home for the next potential musical episode.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.