10 Surprising Star Trek Guest Appearances By Celebrities Who Weren't Actors
2. Iggy Pop - Deep Space Nine, 'The Magnificent Ferengi'
It's a regular occurrence for famous fans of Star Trek to wangle themselves roles in the show, but sometimes the production team get to cast their own idols. That's how musician and punk legend Iggy Pop came to guest star in the Deep Space Nine episode The Magnificent Ferengi as the Vorta clone Yelgrun.
Ira Steven Behr was a huge fan of Iggy Pop, and was keen for him to appear in the series. He was originally suggested for the role of Grady, the homeless man who steals Dax's comms badge in the third season 2-parter Past Tense, but touring meant that he was unavailable at the time. Pop was still a busy touring performer when he was approached for the role of Yelgrun in season 6. However, fate intervened when, due to an injury sustained at a gig, he was able to appear in Star Trek whilst he recuperated. It's a chilly and slightly sinister performance as he negotiates a prisoner exchange with the Ferengi in one of DS9's many great comedy episodes.
While Pop doesn't have the same extensive acting career as his old friend David Bowie (whose wife Iman appeared in Star Trek VI), he's made appearances in the punk biopic Sid and Nancy and cult sci-fi movie Tank Girl.