10 Terrifying Batman: The Animated Series Episodes That Gave You Nightmares

1. On Leather Wings

Two Face Batman Animated Shocked
Warner Bros.

The pilot episode of any show sets the tone for the rest of the series that follows. In animation, it's rare to see a pilot be the benchmark for the show but On Leather Wings served as a fantastic indicator of where BTAS would venture in its forthcoming seasons.

Opening in a horror movie way with a blimp pilot going "did you see that?" as a bat-like figure graces its canopy, we then find out that the police have formed a special task force to go after Batman, who they think is the other bat that's been terrifying Gotham, which we of course know to be the Man-Bat.

One scene in particular comes with Dr. Kirk Langstrom creepily explaining his need and want for the serum that transforms him right before he sprouts wings and takes on a terrifying new demeanour as a Man/Bat hybrid.

The series as a whole is a mixture of drama, tragedy and even comedy, but every element has an uneasy feeling leaning onto it. It all started with this episode, and with it having served as an introduction to the show for so many people, it manages to be the scare with the most staying power.

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A.J. Carey is a child of pop culture, learning to read on comic books and raised like any true '90s child on films way above his age range and network television!